Saturday, February 17, 2007


Captain Jack Sparrow - without the sea monsters!


Anonymous said...

Great music plus Johnny Depp -what more could you want from a video!!

Will be watchng this again and again!

dingwallvideos said...

Well done!

You have put a lot of thought into the choice of music and pictures and it has worked really well!

A lot of people are really going to enjoy this!

Mrs N

Anonymous said...

I loved this. What a really apt piece of music. It works so well. Take a bow!

Anonymous said...

Very good its a Fav of mine though i havent actually seen him starring in number 2 but that will come soon enough!

dingwallvideos said...

Thoroughly recommend number 2 - I haven't actually seen number 1!!

How do people out there think they compare??

Anonymous said...

this video is the best because i like Johnny Deep!!! I prefered number 2 because it was much scaryer!!! YARRR!!!! lol!

Anonymous said...

AAARRR!Good movie i liked it. It was as good as pirates 2 my fav bit is when he is running away from the ghoust guys on the beach.

Anonymous said...

i liked pirates2 better because it was funnier. I thought it was really funny when they rolled down the hill in the cage.
by Andrew.G

Anonymous said...

I like number two best because it was really funny and it was more adventurous. I got a few frights because things were popping up out of no where. I thought Davie Jones was really nasty and he was quite funny looking with all the tenticals on his face. His crew were also quite funny. My fave member of the crew was the man that's head could come ofF and when it did it turned into a hermit crab. Every time I watch it I am in stitches. It is so hillarious. It is the BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

We like the music the pics lets just say we like the whole thing.
Andrew.G & Caium.R

Anonymous said...

You worked really hard to make this film.You deserve a round of applause.WELL DONExxxxx

Anonymous said...

Fantastic film !! i think you have done very well on this film !!i hope ther will be more films like this in the future.

Anonymous said...

i loved this it was brilliant and i am a great fan of lonny depp

Anonymous said...

OK...that was good what gave you the idea to do it on jack sparrow
anyway i enjoyed it the music was weird and funny, oh and who sang it?

Anonymous said...

it was very good and i liked it
when jack sparrow got chased by all the guys all in all it was very very good it was very very well done so are you going to do
a nother one it will be even better

Anonymous said...

Irene it was very very good the next one will be very good to.
I liked all the pictures.

Anonymous said...

GREAT i liked it. You chose the right music and pictures. I hope to see Pirates 2 if you make one . I will be watching for ever.

Anonymous said...

cool, luvin da tune

Anonymous said...

i luvd the song it pure class where u gt it?

Anonymous said...

the video was great!!!!!!! hope 2 c u make another 1! from shaunie

Anonymous said...

this is great irene! it is a great idea and the music is cool